Multitasking ≠ 💰💰💰

The hype train is leaving the station

There's SO MUCH TO DO!

Time to go into "Get-💩-Done" mode.

Fast forward 8 hours, and you ask yourself "Did I do everything and nothing at the same time?"

Let me hit you with some truth. That thing you're doing right now - trying to analyze deals while on a podcast while checking your email? It's not working. And deep down, you know it.

Here's the reality bomb you need to hear: Multitasking is a myth.

Yeah, I said it. That superhuman juggling act you think you're pulling off? Science says you're actually just bouncing between tasks like a caffeinated squirrel. And it's costing you big time.

The Science Behind Why You're Struggling

Let's get real about what's happening in your brain:

You're not actually doing multiple things at once.

Your brain literally can't. (Skaugset et al., 2016; Stephens & Fairbanks, 2012)

You're just switching tasks really fast.

As a result, your performance decreases and errors increase.

And get this - the people who multitask the most?

They're usually the worst at it. (Sanbonmatsu et al., 2013)

But this is a dude problem, right?

Ladies can multitask.

Nope. (Buser & Péter, 2011)

When you multitask, you’re actually paying a “switching cost.”

Each time your brain switches between tasks, it takes time to reorient and refocus.

The Real Cost of Your Task-Jumping Habit

Every time you switch from that deal analysis to your inbox to that investor call, you're paying a price:

Your work gets sloppier

Your stress goes up.

And that creative problem-solving you pride yourself on?

Goes right out the window

Sometimes You Gotta Juggle (But Not As Often As You Think)

Look, I get it.

Sometimes you really do need to handle a bunch of things at once.

Research gives you permission under 2 circumstances:

  • When there's a genuine emergency (like that pipe burst at your property)

  • When one task is basically automatic (like walking while you're on the phone)

But let's be honest - most of your (and my) "multitasking" doesn't fall into either category.

The New Game Plan: Your Focus Framework

Get Real About Complexity.

Deep work (like analyzing that new deal)?

Close everything else and focus

Brain-dead tasks (like filing receipts)?

Sure, throw on a podcast

Work in Order, Not Chaos

Pick your priorities

Time-block like your success depends on it (because it does)

Batch the small stuff (all calls at once, all emails at once)

Tame Your Task-Switching Triggers

  • Figure out what makes you jump tasks (Is it those notifications? That FOMO? Tough stuff?)

  • Get ruthless with distractions (yes, that means turning off your phone sometimes)

  • Train your brain to stay put (it's like going to the gym - it gets easier)

The Magic of Mono-Tasking

When you finally stop trying to do it all at once:

You actually finish things (shocking, right?)

Your work quality goes up (get that chin up)

And bonus: Your stress levels drop

Your Homework (Do This Now)

Take 5 minutes and look at your to-do list:

  • Pick ONE thing that really matters

  • Block out 30 minutes - no phone, no email, no distractions

  • Just. Do. That. Thing.

  • Then notice how it feels to actually finish something properly.

Drop me a line and tell me what happened when you tried single-tasking. Bet it was better than you expected.

To doing one thing well (instead of five things badly),

P.S. Still tempted to check your email while reading this?

That's exactly what I'm talking about.

Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I help you:

1. Become a $500MM Syndicator

A 1:1 custom experience designed to 3x your capital raising and 10x your assets under management. Train your brain to make success inevitable without sacrificing your personal life.

2. STAR Syndicator Group

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